Msc: Mechanics - The next step in control theory to enhance print quality for flatbed printers

Datum: 11 mrt. 2025

Plaats: NL

Bedrijf: Canon Production Printing


Are you a Master student who is interested in the latest techniques in control engineering? Do you want to gain more knowledge and insight into the combination of complex mechanics and control theory? We are looking for you!

Your assignment
You will be responsible to investigate the best control alternative for our current linear control approach in flat bed printers. More specifically, you will take up the challenge and responsibility to improve the carriage motion control. Now we think that ILC is the way to go, but we appreciate alternative solutions if they lead to a better result. In the end, you will not only do theoretical research to support your conclusions, but you also must prove the concept on our test setup. A possible approach for the assignment could look like this:
1.    Familiarize yourself with the complex mechanical system and corresponding models we already have.
2.    Investigate and filter out best fitting alternative control approaches.
3.    Make / change models if it is necessary for the alternative control approach. 
4.    Implement them in simulation to show improved performance.
5.    Show that the best fitting alternative also works on our test setup.

During this assignment, you will have to combine theoretical knowledge of mechanics and control into practice! You will not be alone in this journey. You can rely on the support and extensive knowledge of your colleagues from mechatronics, mechanics and electronics. 

Your profile
•    You are currently pursuing a master's degree in mechanical engineering or systems & Control.
•    You have gained theoretical knowledge on modeling mechanical systems and applying control theory, and you are eager to put your knowledge into practice!
•    You are interested in learning more about advanced control techniques and how to implement these in a real system.
•    You are very comfortable with Matlab and Simulink.
•    You don’t shy away from learning from other domains as well, as we greatly value the multi-disciplinary approach.
•    Finally, you are a social and independent person, who easily finds his way in a new social environment. 

The starting date of the assignment is flexible. We do expect that once you have joined Canon Production Printing for this assignment that you will be on site 4 days a week for at least 6 to 7 months. 

What’s in it for you?
•    A challenging assignment with skilled coaching
•    Internship/ Graduation compensation of €500,- per month
•    Travel cost compensation if you don’t have an ‘OV-weekcard’
•    The possibility to network with professionals inside and outside your field of expertise, thanks to our diversity of disciplines which you will work with
•    With our company values collaboration, innovation and ownership, we strive to bring out the best in each other, expand boundaries and feel empowered to take ownership of our work.

Are you interested in this assignment? Please click on the button 'apply now' where you can upload your resume and motivation letter. 
If you would like to receive more information concerning this assignment, please contact Jim van der Jagt,  tel. +31 77359 3609. If you have any questions about the internship in general, please contact Milou Geelen, + 31 6 25653192.


Waar staan wij voor?

Wij ontwikkelen en produceren hightech printproducten en workflow software voor de commerciële printing markt als onderdeel van Canon, wereldwijd marktleider in beeldtechnologieën. Met ongeveer 3300 werknemers verspreid over drie continenten en ons hoofdkantoor in Venlo, Nederland, innoveren we om hoogwaardige oplossingen te creëren die kleur toevoegen aan de wereld. Geleid door de Kyosei filosofie - samen leven en werken voor het algemeen belang – is onze cultuur gebouwd op openheid, collegialiteit, vertrouwen en stabiliteit. We stellen onze mensen in staat om te groeien, initiatief te nemen en impact te maken.

Met onze bedrijfswaarden samenwerking, innovatie en eigenaarschap, streven we ernaar het beste in elkaar naar boven te halen, grenzen te verleggen en ons gesterkt te voelen om eigenaarschap te nemen in ons werk.

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